Saturday, October 24, 2009


For those who believe in the Power of Love, proceed with open minds, and great courage -


The Great Deceiver has taken on a very powerful title, he calls himself "God". The horrific deeds he has committed, subjecting a reeling, wondering human race to lives full of fear, worry, and dread are well known. The time for the revelation of the great deception is at hand.

The crime began in the garden, where he imprisoned our immortal souls in physical tombs, and started the process of portraying himself as good and righteous, and calling "evil" anything that might lead us to awakening, or discovering the truth about our immortal origin.

The Great Deceiver even went so far as to falsely call the Christ Himself "my beloved Son". But the deception has been exposed, and the plan put into place by the Heavenly Father, the True God, to rescue His captive children, can now be brought to light.

And that plan has an astonishing ingenuity and magic to it, that live outside of politics and traditional religion, and is based in the emotional, empirical world of true love:

In 1969 a persistent rumor took hold, that the Beatles' Paul McCartney had died in 1966 and had been replaced by a mysterious double. There were many clues that had been subtly hidden in the cover art, photography, and song lyrics of Beatle albums beginning with the 1967 release: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The tremendous interest in this subject continues to this day, all one needs to do is google "Paul Is Dead". For those unfamiliar with the story, the clues range from the weak (products of over-active imagination), to the quite mysterious and hard to believe because of their genius (e.g. the fair ground style drum face on Sgt. Pepper, that when bisected with a mirror spells out: "one he die"). These many legitimate clues are not the product of artists perpetrating a hoax, or some sort of prank being played on the wondering world. They are however, like everything else in this truly unbelievable story, part of a grand design. There is no coincidence or irony in the matters presented herein.

In the 2007 CD release, Memory Almost Full, Sir Paul himself provides a rather shocking revelation. Accompanying the CD are liner notes, and photographs that are extremely unusual. In two photographs in particular, Paul is positioned posing with an antique looking chair. The first photo to consider is of Paul behind this chair which is turned on it's side. By rotating the image so the chair is upright, there is a pattern discernible on the backrest that has the image of a "beast". One can clearly see two rows of teeth, six upper, six lower, a snout directly above, two eyes above that, and most interesting - two horns (suggested in the negative pattern of the fabric) and in between the horns, on top of this animal's head, a torch crown. The chair is a wing chair,and instead of cloven feet, has traditional ball and claw style feet. These are recognizable characteristics to those familiar with a typical rendition of "Baphomet". The second photo that requires scrutiny, is Sir Paul seated in this same chair. He slouches down in such a way that he positions his head directly in front of the face of Baphomet, and by doing so, Paul now wears the horns and torch crown. (The original CD insert that contains these photos may be required, as a copy or an internet version may lack sufficient clarity.) This indication of McCartney as Baphomet is not without precedent, having been foreshadowed on the covers of both the 1968 release of the soundtrack for the Beatles' animated film Yellow Submarine, and on the 1971 McCartney release, Ram.

As if the preceding information isn't curious enough on it's own, please consider this:

The many stories of the circumstances surrounding the alleged death of the famous McCartney are very consistent (perhaps emanating from a single source) - an argument with band mates, he leaves the recording studio angry, and in a hurry, there is an automobile accident in which he dies as the result of a head wound.

His number is the number of a man - six-hundred, threescore, and six.
Paul's Birthday: 6-18-42.

He of the mortal head wound whom the whole world wonders after.

The very "Beast" of Revelation!

And the Beatles are the Dragon that gave him his power.

Now we learn of the False God and the genius of the grand design:

Paul cannot be "Anti-" that which he is the epitome of. He has spent his adult life travelling around the world consistently spreading a message of Joy, of Peace, of Hope, of Love for one another. This is the undying message of The Christ! The Christ spoke of a Heavenly Father who loves us - A God of Love.

The Great Deceiver decided to test Abraham. He instructed Abraham to travel to a high place, (where "God" could see him more clearly) and slaughter his beloved son, Issac, and burn his body in sacrifice. And as Abraham grasped the knife, "God" stopped him saying, "Now I know that you fear God". The Heavenly Father would never terrorize his beloved, He is a God of Love! He has no need to test His children, He knows what is in their hearts, and those that are good have no need to fear Him.

As noted earlier, The true Heavenly Father has put into place a plan to rescue His children, whose souls became polluted and compromised by the evil instigated and perpetuated by the False God. And in that polluted state, those souls could not be in proximity to the God of Love, and had to be purified over the course of time.

Baphomet, whose name numerologically speaking, means "Wisdom", can be seen as a sign post as to the disposition of the human spirit. McCartney seated on the throne of wisdom, is an indication of the human spirit being purified to such a degree that reunion with the Divine is now possible. Being human and fallible, yet striving to live by the code of the golden rule, there are a great number of souls that crave peace and justice, that renounce violence as a means of problem solving, and that qualify for the great reunion (going "Back to where [they] once belonged"). Hence, the fitting title: "Memory Almost Full". The empty chair on the cover of the CD can be seen as an invitation for any individual to recognize the Divine Spark within, and take their rightful place on the seat of Wisdom.

Additionally, the "Paul Is Dead" story is not about the identity of the strange being that supposedly replaced Paul, but that a human being had died, yet still lives. For in an enlightened state, one identifies so closely with the in-dwelling Divine Spirit that death becomes meaningless, and is thereby defeated. For those that have not yet found this state, but strive for it, and live with a sincere desire to be "Christ-like", they will be illuminated by the descending Holy Spirit, the female aspect of the Trinity, the Sacred Goddess, coming to reclaim Her lost children.

The Sacred Feminine has been the subject of songs down through the ages, and none more powerful or popular than the ones recorded and released by The Beatles and McCartney solo. In the DVD that chronicles his 2005 North American tour The Space Within Us, Paul stresses the ending of the song "Helter Skelter" repeating many times over the phrase, "She's coming down fast". And, for those that will question his allegiance or agenda, he also ends five different times with the phrase "for tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the Sun", finally ending the song of the same name.

(True to his modus operandi, the False God calls the descending Holy Spirit a "harlot"! )

Accompanying the 2008 CD Release, Electric Arguments, by The Fireman (McCartney), there is a booklet that contains drawn and painted images that indicate the imminent change in human history. There is an encounter depicted showing human civilisation being contacted by the False God(s), who are shown in their flying, disc shaped crafts, a giant swirl indicating great commotion, and the word "Fireman" burning through all of the confusion and persevering through it all. "Fireman" is symbolic for enlightened, illuminated humankind literally defeating death - represented by the skull and crossbones. Thus, the phrase from "A Day In The Life" - "I'd love to turn you on" has literal and great meaning. The great breath of love and peace awakens the in-dwelling spark of Divine Presence, and liberates the captive soul.

There are too many instances of cover art symbolism and lyrical references supporting all of the foregoing information to detail at this particular time (e.g. the Grail reference on the front cover of Red Rose Speedway, or the "Band On The Run" lyric: "the undertaker drew a heavy sigh seeing no one else had come"). The grand design of the Divine Strategy is embodied in this awe-inspiring story for all who are worthy to witness.

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1 comment:

  1. yes, Paul. Some of us do know.
    We thank you from the deep source in our heart.
